June 14, 2021

Vim Cheet Sheet 🖥

Quote for the Blog 🙋‍♂️

    The only way to do great work is to love what you do


So what is Vim❔

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient

Opening a text file using Vim

vim hello.txt

Commands (Not All 😜)

Check below for full list of Vim Key sheets

i         # Insert Mode  
esc       # Comes Out of Insert Mode        
:q        # Quit   
:wq       # Save and Quit    
:w        # Save   
:q!       # Discard Change and Quit  
Ctrl + A  # Go to Insert Mode and Go to end of the sentence
# if it is not in Insert Mode, if is in Insert Mode then press esc and use 0
0         # Go to Beginning of the sentence  
3 w       #  3 words move
x         #  delete Charter
dd        #  delete line
dw        #  delete word
r         # replace a single character
cc        # change (replace) entire line
C         # change (replace) to the end of the line
c$        # change (replace) to the end of the line
ciw       # change (replace) entire word
cw        # change (replace) to the end of the word
s         # delete character and substitute text
S         # delete line and substitute text (same as cc)

Awesome Cheet Sheet for Vim Links

vim.rtorr.com devhints